Here I gave full rein to my liking for portaiture. I quite like the resultant drawing though I'm not sure it was all that good a likeness.
I was pleased with this drawing. Until these last few weeks I hadn't done much from life on black paper though I have done some drawings from photographs. It is somewhat of an experimental medium for me but one that I like a lot. This image seemed to achieve something that my previous chalk ones didn't.
I've started cycling to and from the life drawing too. By the time I come home in the evening I feel pretty good after meeting a pal, a couple of hours drawing and a cycle. If you enjoy looking at these, there are a few more on Flickr including some two minute sketches.
Today, if I can find enough vegetables in the cupboard to produce something roughly nourishing then I shall be burrowing in for some tennis and a quiet day. Have a good one all!