Wednesday 23 June 2010

Tuesday night again

Tuesday night is life drawing night nowadays. This picture was a 10 minute sketch hence the unfinished nature of it but I often like the feel of the rougher, looser drawings. I really liked it just as it is. 

This is possibly my most accurate drawing to date. It was helped along by a conversation with the guy next to me. I asked him a question about his drawing and told me how he looks for the largest shapes first and then the medium sized and so on. Here, I first drew large triangles and it really made the drawing more accurate. If you like looking at life drawing then I have posted a few more on Flickr 

I'm loving the life drawing. I've been struggling a little since my job disappointment a few weeks ago and with all the depressing budget news. When I go to life drawing, it really lifts my mood. I'm really enjoying it and it helps that I often cycle there and back. Today, I'm hoping to go for a cycle with a friend so you might get some pictures of that later. Happy Wednesday people!


  1. I really like these, especially the top one. Happy cycling!

  2. More excellent sketches!

    I made it out on my bike last night for the first time in a couple of months. My now scrawny legs are feeling the pressure today!

  3. These are fabulous drawings Imp, both of them.

  4. imp - Festival recommendations to follow. Meeting up sounds good. Hows about Saturday morning 10.45 Festival Square followed by light refreshments at a location of your choosing. I have arranged something special (complete with international superstars), so make sure our on time.
