Saturday 6 February 2010

What a tasty walking stick!

Here is my lovely great niece discovering the joys of eating walking sticks while sitting on granny's knee. These photos were taken at a high ISO and are therefore pretty grainy. We had a lovely afternoon celebrating my niece's 30th birthday and playing with the little on.

Here she is exploring a lovely beard.

All these new discoveries are tiring...

Now the lovely man has arrived and I'm enjoying a relaxing weekend. Sadly, I'm still coughing so it will be a visit to the doc next week. 

I have had some good news - a job interview in a couple of weeks time. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


  1. I've just been catching up.....last week was a bit of a disaster technology-wise, hopefully (mostly) all sorted now though! Everything crossed for your interview, that goes without saying, and plenty of time to mentally prepare too, which is good!

  2. My fingers are firmly crossed!
