Saturday 26 September 2009

Like you've never seen him before...

Here he is looking dark and dangerous... This was taken with the lensbaby using a smaller aperture than I've used before (8) and using a +4 macro filter. It kind of goes with the book I'm reading at the moment - Darkly Dreaming Dexter. I love the series and am quite enjoying the book. I've been given the first three as gifts but hadn't dipped into them till today.

I'm pretty tired today as I had little sleep last night. My throat and breathing kept me awake. I'm starting to feel a little better though - even though the throat and chest aren't good. I don't know about you but for me the first day or so of a bug, I often feel at my worst with the vague and horrible symptoms. As a result, it's been a quiet and faffy day which I've been quite enjoying. The lovely man and I are having a lazy time without putting any pressure on ourselves and that's nice.

I've been fiddling with my Mac and have discovered a few things. I use a Mindmapping programme in Windows called Mindgenius and I like it a lot. I learned that there is a free one called Freemind which you can get for Mac or for Windows. I'm going to teach myself how to use that. I also thought I'd try out Open Office though I do have the Microsoft one. When the lovely man asked me why my answer was "Because I can". I experiment and fiddle with things all the time. I ended up an IT Trainer from my ceaseless faffing so it kind of came in handy.

Now I'm waffling on when there is some serious faffing to be done (and a blogger queuing for the Mac....) so I'll wish you a happy Saturday!


  1. Yeah, gimme the Mac or else I'll give you the mean and moody look again!

  2. That's a great photo of him, doesn't look like the same man! I'm also a terrible fiddler and tweaker, although not with my photos, and the only thing that stops me meddling more with this laptop is that I feel it's more Steve's than mine!

  3. OMG....give him the Mac! Everything useful I've ever learned in life has been through fiddling and faffing....go it girl!

  4. What better reason than "because I can"! Glad you're feeling better - and BTW this is a smashing portrait. Can't wait 'til I get my grubby hands on a lensbaby!
