Sunday 13 September 2009


Hello people. This is new experience for me. I have not had a blog like this before but am a refugee from a photojournal site which I had good reason to leave. However, I really enjoyed so much about the experience I want to continue the practice.

You will have to forgive me for not really knowing how to use the blogspot as yet but I'm sure I will learn quickly. My first image is not being posted for it's qualities as a photograph but more as a message to all those who have made many kind comments in relation to events this weekend. I don't intend my blog to be so cryptic always but I do not want to go into details about any of this.

Anyway, you wonderful people, this is a message for you:

These are the words that came to mind today about the events of the weekend and on leaving a photojournal site I enjoyed greatly:
The great affair is over
Who ever would have guessed
It would leave us all so vacant
And so deeply unimpressed
Leonard Cohen


  1. OK, you got your first follower (and blogger is a doddle, you'll be up and running in no time. Forget the knitting and the harmonium lessons!)

  2. But how can I be a great-aunt without them? I don't want to be a mere mediocre aunt...

  3. Fear not, I'll talk you through it...33 years experience in the bag, I was the child bride of the youngest son of a BIG family ;-)

  4. Welcome to blogger! The blogosphere just got markedly better with your arrival.
    You will be up and running in no time.
    I hope people will follow you over here.

  5. Glad to see you Imp - hope the Duck joins you -look forward to seeing both of your stuff over here!

  6. Hi Irene! I've had a blog for ages but don't do much with it any more - but you might want to check it out: I approve all comments before posting as I had so much trouble with porny spam.

    And when are you getting Paul on to Facebook!

  7. I can't really welcome you here, as I'm not here yet myself, so to speak. But I'm following you.

    I really shouldn't say things like "I'm following you", given recent events...

  8. No and you shouldn't say you're behind me either x

  9. Link away! When I'm feeling better I'll put a link on to yours too. Have been in bed all day.

  10. I've just found this, courtesy of someone's comment on blip, so now I'm following you.

  11. Hi imp!
    Got the link from stuff's comments. I have been on blogger for a couple of years - if I can help with any tech questions about blogger, I'd be happy to help. Glad you're still posting pics.
    Don Egan aka donsjournal
