Friday 16 October 2009

The lovely man again...

It's the weekend so here he is again. He didn't quite look like that the last time you saw him but I didn't get a good photo today and this one is more representative of a fun part of the day. There is no relevance to the word "Quit" appearing.

For those of you who have not been initiated into Wii culture, this is a Mii - which is a virtual version of the lovely man for playing games. I am a complete novice but we have had a bit of fun with it today.

Sorry for the lack of my usual photos in the last few days. I have been very tired and a little out of sorts. All is right now though as it's the weekend. Have a good one.


  1. I recognised SD imediately!
    It's that Wii again, you've become addicted. Have a great weekend.

  2. A great portrait! :) Have a lovely weekend.

  3. He looks good in a hat! Have a great one!
    (I'll let you know about Berlin as soon as the programmes sorted We go out on the 1st and come back on the 6th, so I'm guessing that Thursday 5th is the most likely day we'll have free time, probably the afternoon....but it depends on when our Berlin contacts can do tours etc....should hear definitely next week!)
