Monday 23 November 2009

Look what came in the post today

I got this letter today and thought I'd make it the subject of my blog as, once more, I haven't had a chance to get a decent photo.

I'm asthmatic so I come into the category of people who get offered the swine flu vaccination. I'll discuss it with my doctor tomorrow but I don't think I'll be going for it. I have been trying to get detailed information but found that hard to come across. The most I've found is in a question and answer article by Channel 4 news

One thing I learned there is that mercury is among the chemicals used in the vaccine. There are some theories that some people are sensitive to mercury and this has been cited as a possible factor in arthritis. (I am also arthritic.) For that reason I will no longer have amalgam fillings and when the largest one I had was replaced, my joints did seem to improve radically. It is of course, not easy to say for certain why that was with such a variable condition but it seemed possible to me especially since I seem to react to a lot of chemicals and medications.

One of the things that frustrates me about the media reports on the swine flu vaccination is that they do not discuss why some people fear that it is not safe and nor do they give us detailed discussion of the health factors which mean some people are at a greater risk than others. This makes it very difficult to make an informed choice. My own feeling is that the risks from swine flu are grossly overstated for much of the population. I also suspect that I have already had it  and experienced it as a fairly mild illness. I would much prefer to have better information though, rather than make my decision based on media snippets and feelings.

I'll be out and about tomorrow and hope to be able to take some more exciting photos for you. Here's hoping that it's not too wet!


  1. I reckon we've both had pig flu twice already... I'm sure your doc will give you some sensible advice.

    Is it the weekend yet?

  2. I don't reckon I'll be given the option....which is probably good because I'd hate to have to make a choice. Talk to your doctor then go away and think about it for a while, you'll know what's right for you when you have the facts to work with.

  3. Hmmm, it's difficult, isn't it? And very hard to find unbiased facts about it. I think it depends a lot on how many people you're likely to come into contact with. Thanks for the Channel 4 news link, which was informative.

  4. I am almost old enough to qualify and mentally juvenile enough to qualify and suffer from an immune disorder but as usual, have disappeared off the radar.

    Chance would be a fine thing...!

    (Sorry. Grumpy old man mode again)

  5. Steve had his today, but I don't of course... so I'll still be bringing him the germs! You make some valid points, but it is so very hard to know the truth of the matter.
