Sunday 3 January 2010

Winter visit to Inverleith Park

The lovely man and I went for a walk to the local park today. The pond was mostly frozen over. I took the lensbaby out and most of the shots were taken using the single glass optic though I also took some with the plastic optic. I took a lot that I liked so I'll treat you to a few though you can find more on Flickr.

He's looking rather dashing in his winter regalia don't you think?

The birds were so hungry. I wished I'd had some food for them.

Here I am warming the beak of the lovely man who is prone to a chilly nose.


  1. We both got some good shots today :-) Thank you for warming my beak x

  2. Love these shots - the gull one is particularly cool! Thanks for advice re the snow thing too - will have a play around and see what happens.

  3. I love the first one of the birds, and the swan's black feet. It does look cold!

  4. A lovely series of shots, especially that top one.....I'll nip over to Flickr later to check out the rest. And the duck looks splendid in his winter plumage!
